Always Greater Changes Tool (Most Recent Version) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I want to stop: "" and start: "" I want to achieve: "" Selected Change for an AchievementI want to: change how I feel (deep change)change how I feel (fast change)stop ruminating (dwelling on negative thoughts)remove urges, cravings, or feeling compelled to do somethingI want to stop thinking this way:in generalrelated to something specificRuminating (dwelling on negative thoughts)Thinking more positively naturally and automaticallyRuminating (dwelling on negative thoughts) about I want to stop ruminating and dwelling on negative thoughts aboutThinking more positively naturally and automatically about This change requires starting an achievement where you want to either change a habit or stop and start something, and then using the Urge Remover Tool after that.Option for help changing emotions (for non achievement) Help me change a specific emotion I want to stop: having fear or anxietyfeeling stressed or uncomfortablefeeling sad, unhappy, down, or depressedfeeling hopeless, unconfident, or pessimisticfeeling angry or resentfulhaving feelings of loss, regret, or failurefeeling bad or guiltyshow more possibilitiesI want to stop feeling this way:in generalrelated to something specificYou can use the Always Greater Changes tool to help change any emotion. Here are some more possibilities to consider, which also serve as examples of how this can be done. Having low self esteem and liking myself less (in general or more specific) Being ashamed or embarrassed (in general or more specific) Feeling hurt or pain whenever I think about something (try this change or learn how it can help you let go of painful memories) Having social anxiety (address a combination of fears) There are no more possible options for a fast change in how you feel. But there are infinite possible options for a deep change in how you feel.Loss / regret / failure emotional change GENERAL Having feelings of loss, regret, or failure I want to stop having feelings of loss, regret, or failure in general Having feelings of gain, satisfaction, and success I focus on losses, lack of achievement, and missed opportunities, and I believe it is good or right to focus on these perceived shortcomings I see little or no gains, achievements, or valuable experiences I've had, and I believe that whatever I have gained, achieved, and experienced is not good enough for me to be pleased and satisfied with it I blame myself and others for all the losses, lack of achievement, and missed opportunities in my life, and I don't credit myself and others with any gains, achievements, and valuable experiences I focus on gains, achievements, and valuable experiences I've had, including gains in knowledge and learning, and I believe it is great and useful to focus on these positive things I see my gains, achievements, and valuable experiences in life, including gains in knowledge and learning, as already good enough for me to be pleased and satisfied with them (any additional gains just increases my pleasure) I credit myself and others for all the gains, achievements, and valuable experiences I've had, including gains in knowledge and learning, and I look forward to using all these gains to create even more success in my life Loss / regret / failure emotional change SPECIFIC I want to stop having feelings of loss, regret, or failure related to Having feelings of loss, regret, or failure about Having feelings of gain, satisfaction, and success despite I focus on losses, lack of achievement, and missed opportunities associated with "", and it is good or right to focus on these perceived shortcomings I see little or no value in what I've learned, gained, achieved, or experienced related to "", and whatever I have learned, gained, achieved, or experienced is not good enough for me to be pleased and satisfied with it I blame myself and others for all the losses, lack of achievement, and missed opportunities associated with "", and I don't credit myself and others with any gains, achievements, and valuable experiences I focus on gains, achievements, new opportunities, and valuable experiences I've had related to or because of "", and I believe it is great and useful to focus on these positive things I see lots of positive value in what I've learned, gained, achieved, or experienced related to or because of "", and these positive gains are already good enough for me to be pleased and satisfied with them I credit myself and others for all the gains, achievements, and valuable experiences I've had related to or because of "", and I am thankful for these gains Stressed change GENERAL Feeling stressed or uncomfortable I want to stop feeling stressed or uncomfortable in general Feeling calm and relaxed I focus on certain things I see as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok (especially if other people see it this way) I believe I can't accept or handle these things, and that I can't learn, gain, or benefit these things in any way I believe it is important to focus on all the negative value in (or coming from) these things I see things in general as being ok (even if not great or preferable), and I see it as ok if other people see things differently I believe I can always accept and handle things in a way that makes me happier and stronger, and that I can always learn, gain, and benefit from things in some way (even things I dislike) I believe it is important to focus on all the positive value in (or coming from) things in general, including all the ways I can learn, gain, and benefit from them constructively Stressed change SPECIFIC I want to stop feeling stressed or uncomfortable about Feeling stressed or uncomfortable about Feeling more calm and relaxed about I focus on "", and I see it as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok (especially if other people see it this way) I can't accept or handle "", and I can't learn, gain, or benefit from it in any way It is important to focus on all the negative value in (or coming from) "" I see "" as being ok (even if not great or preferable), and I see it as ok if other people see things differently I can accept and handle "" in a way that makes me happier and stronger, and I can learn, gain, and benefit from this in some way (even if I dislike it) It is important to focus on all the positive ways I can handle, learn, gain, and benefit from "", as well as any other positive value in this (or coming from this) Angry change GENERAL Feeling angry or resentful I want to stop feeling angry or resentful in general Feeling at peace and free of resentment I focus on certain things I see as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok, and I believe I can't accept or handle these things unless there's some acknowledgement of wrong-doing for them I believe it is good and right for someone to pay for these things to "make things right", and I believe I can't move on from this, let it go, or be happy or satisfied until this payment is made I focus on negative outcomes from these things, and I believe it is good and right and makes things better for someone to experience harm, pain, and suffering for them I see things in general as ok (even if not great or preferable), and I believe I can accept and handle anything in a constructive way, regardless of whether there's any acknowledgment of wrong-doing for it I focus on how I can learn, gain, and benefit from things in general, and I believe I can move on from things I don't like, let them go, and be happy and satisfied regardless of whether anyone "pays" for them I focus on potential positive outcomes from things in general, including things I dislike, and I believe it is great to move on from things I dislike without anyone experiencing harm, pain, or suffering for them, as it does not make things any better Angry SPECIFIC I want to stop feeling angry or resentful about Feeling angry or resentful about Feeling at peace and free of resentment despite I focus on "" and see it as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok, and I can't accept or handle this unless there's some acknowledgement of wrong-doing for it It is good and right for someone to pay for "" to "make things right", and I can't move on from this, let it go, or be happy or satisfied until this payment is made I focus on negative outcomes related to "", and I believe it is good and right and makes things better for someone to experience harm, pain, and suffering for them Maybe "" might be ok or not as bad as I initially thought (even if not great or preferable), and in any case, I can accept and handle this in a constructive way, regardless of whether there's any acknowledgment of wrong-doing for it I focus on how I can learn, gain, and benefit from "", and how I can move on from this, let it go, and be happy and satisfied regardless of whether anyone "pays" for it I focus on potential positive outcomes coming from "", and I believe it is ok and great to move on from this without anyone experiencing harm, pain, or suffering for it, as it does not make things any better Hopeless Pessimistic GENERAL Feeling hopeless, unconfident, or pessimistic I want to stop feeling hopeless, unconfident, or pessimistic in general Feeling hopeful, confident, or optimistic I focus on unwanted possibilities in the future, instead of what I want to achieve or experience I believe it's guaranteed or likely these unwanted possibilities will occur, and that I can't or won't achieve or experience what I want, no matter what I do I believe my future is "doomed" in a negative way, and that I don't have the skills, intelligence, talent, or abilities to achieve or experience what I want, or to improve the situation in any way I focus on what I want to achieve or experience, instead of other unwanted possibilities in the future I believe I can or will achieve or experience what I want, especially by taking action to help make this happen I believe my future is full of positive opportunities and possibilities that I can realize, and I can always develop greater skills, knowledge, talents, habits, and abilities to improve my situation and help make these possibilities happen Hopeless Pessimistic SPECIFIC I want to stop feeling hopeless, unconfident, or pessimistic about Feeling hopeless, unconfident, or pessimistic about Feeling hopeful, confident, or optimistic about I focus on unwanted possibilities in the future, instead of on "" I believe it's guaranteed or likely these unwanted possibilities will occur, and that I can't or won't achieve or experience "", no matter what I do I believe my future is "doomed" in a negative way, and that I don't have the skills, intelligence, talent, or abilities to achieve or experience "", or to improve the situation in any way I focus on "", instead of other unwanted possibilities in the future I believe I can or will achieve or experience "", especially by taking action to help make this happen I believe my future is full of positive opportunities and possibilities that I can realize, like "", and I can always develop greater skills, knowledge, talents, habits, and abilities to improve my situation and help make this happen Fear and Anxiety GENERAL Having fear or anxiety I want to stop having fear or anxiety in general Feeling confident and having peace of mind I focus on possible outcomes, events, or scenarios that I don't want to happen (and which might not even occur) I believe it will be bad, hurt, and not be ok if these possible outcomes, events, or scenarios occur, and I don't see any positive value that might come from them I believe I can't accept or handle these possible outcomes, events, or scenarios if they occur, and that I can't learn, gain or benefit from them in any way I focus on possible outcomes, events, or scenarios that I want to happen, and I believe they can or will occur, especially if I take action to help make them happen I see alternate possible outcomes, events, or scenarios as ok (even if not great or preferable), especially since I see positive value that can come from them, such as how I might learn, gain, or benefit from them in some way I believe I can accept, handle, learn, gain, and benefit from any possible outcome, event, or scenario, so I look forward to the future with anticipation, as I focus on doing what I can to achieve the outcomes, events, and scenarios I want and prefer Fear and Anxiety SPECIFIC I want to stop having fear or anxiety about Having fear or anxiety about Feeling confident and having peace of mind about I focus on possible outcomes, events, or scenarios that I don't want to happen associated with "" (and which might not even occur) I believe it will be bad, hurt, and not be ok if these possible outcomes, events, or scenarios associated with "" occur, and I don't see any positive value that might come from them or from "" I believe I can't accept or handle these possible outcomes, events, or scenarios associated with "" if they occur, and that I can't learn, gain or benefit from them in any way I focus on possible outcomes, events, or scenarios associated with "" that I want to happen, and I believe they can or will occur, especially if I take action to help make them happen I see alternate possible outcomes, events, or scenarios associated with "" as ok (even if not great or preferable), especially since I see positive value that can come from them, such as how I might learn, gain, or benefit from them in some way I believe I can accept, handle, learn, gain, and benefit from any possible outcome, event, or scenario associated with "", so I look forward to the future with anticipation, as I focus on doing what I can to achieve the outcomes, events, and scenarios I want and prefer Sad Depressed change GENERAL Feeling sad, unhappy, down, or depressed I want to stop feeling sad, unhappy, down, or depressed in general Feeling happy, upbeat, energized, and empowered I focus on certain things that I think are "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok, and I don't think about how I could learn, gain, or benefit from these things in any way or handle them differently to make me stronger I don't see any positive value associated with certain things, I don't acknowledge positive value in other areas of my life, and any positive value I do see is not good enough for me to be pleased or satisfied with it Given the current situation with certain things, it is good or right for me to feel sad, unhappy, down, or depressed, and it would be bad or wrong for me to feel happy, upbeat, energized, or empowered Even if I'm aware of things that I don't prefer, I focus on how I can accept, handle, learn, gain, or benefit from them in some way that makes me stronger and happier (including seeing any positive value associated with them) Instead of dwelling on things I don't prefer, I focus on other things that I am thankful for and that are of great positive value to me, and the positive value I see is always good enough for me to be pleased and satisfied with it Even if there are certain things I don't prefer, it's always ok and great for me to feel happy, upbeat, energized, and empowered, and for me to focus on all the good things I have in my life that I'm thankful for Sad Depressed change SPECIFIC I want to stop feeling sad, unhappy, down, or depressed about Feeling sad, unhappy, down, or depressed about Feeling happy, upbeat, energized, and empowered despite I focus on "" and see it as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok, and I don't think about how I could learn, gain, or benefit from this in any way or handle it differently to make me stronger I don't see any positive value associated with "", I don't acknowledge positive value in other areas of my life, and any positive value I do see is not good enough for me to be pleased or satisfied with it Given the current situation with "", it is good or right for me to feel sad, unhappy, down, or depressed, and it would be bad or wrong for me to feel happy, upbeat, energized, or empowered I focus on how I can accept, handle, learn, gain, or benefit from "" in some way that makes me stronger and happier (including seeing any positive value associated with this) Instead of dwelling on "", I focus on other things that I am thankful for and that are of great positive value to me, and the positive value I see is always good enough for me to be pleased and satisfied with it Even if I'm dealing with "" and I don't like or prefer it, it's always ok and great for me to feel happy, upbeat, energized, and empowered, and for me to focus on all the good things I have in my life that I'm thankful for Bad or Guilty change GENERAL Feeling bad or guilty I want to stop feeling bad or guilty in general Feeling better or less guilty I see certain things as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok, and I believe it is good and right for me to feel bad about them Feeling bad about certain things makes things better somehow and also makes me a good or better person It is good and right for me to experience some form of pain, suffering, or punishment for certain things, and I can't feel better or be free from suffering unless someone else says it's ok and accepts me doing so Even if certain things are not great or preferable, I can accept and learn from them, and it's great for me to feel peaceful about these things as I learn and grow from them, rather than feeling perpetually guilty and miserable about them Feeling bad about certain things does not make things better in any way, while feeling better and improving my life makes me a better person who is of more benefit to myself and others It is great for me to learn from certain things I've done, and to use that knowledge to improve my life and other people's lives, and I can feel at peace, regardless of whether anyone else says it's ok or accepts me doing so Bad Guilty SPECIFIC I want to stop feeling bad or guilty about Feeling bad or guilty about Feeling better or less guilty about I see "" as "objectively" bad, wrong, or not ok, and I believe it is good and right for me to feel bad about it Feeling bad about "" makes things better somehow and also makes me a good or better person It is good and right for me to experience some form of pain, suffering, or punishment for "", and I can't feel better or be free from suffering unless someone else says it's ok and accepts me doing so Even if "" isn't great or preferable, it's good for me to feel more peaceful about this as I accept, learn and grow from it, rather than feeling perpetually bad, guilty, or miserable about it Feeling bad about "" does not make things better in any way, while feeling better and improving my life makes me a better person who is of more benefit to myself and others It is great for me to learn from "", and to use that knowledge to improve my life and other people's lives, and I can feel at peace, regardless of whether anyone else says it's ok or accepts me doing so Achievement Entry IdAchievement Unique IDThis can be dynamically populated by a parameter (ach-stop-this) and if it becomes dynamically populated, this later help informs what kind of messages to show or not)stop: "" and start: ""achieve: ""Achievement Messages Bucket I want to MESSAGE BUCKET FOR WHAT YOU WANT TO STOP DOING. Ex: "Feeling like I'm making a sacrifice", "Feeling angry", or "Feeling angry about being cheated". Always "visible". Used the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.MESSAGE BUCKET FOR WHAT YOU WANT TO START DOING. Ex: "Feeling excited about everything I'm gaining", "Feeling at peace", or "Feeling at peace about being cheated". Always "visible". Used the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.MESSAGE BUCKET FOR I WANT TO STOP HEADER ON REVIEW PAGE. Ex: "I want to stop being angry in general", "I want to stop feeling angry about being cheated". Always "visible". Used the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.NEGATIVE THOUGHT 1 BUCKET FOR EMOTIONS (COULD BE GENERAL OR SPECIFIC). Always "visible". Use the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.NEGATIVE THOUGHT 2 BUCKET FOR EMOTIONS (COULD BE GENERAL OR SPECIFIC). Always "visible". Use the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.NEGATIVE THOUGHT 3 BUCKET FOR EMOTIONS (COULD BE GENERAL OR SPECIFIC). Always "visible". Use the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.POSITIVE THOUGHT 1 BUCKET FOR EMOTIONS (COULD BE GENERAL OR SPECIFIC). Always "visible". Use the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.POSITIVE THOUGHT 2 BUCKET FOR EMOTIONS (COULD BE GENERAL OR SPECIFIC). Always "visible". Use the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value.POSITIVE THOUGHT 3 BUCKET FOR EMOTIONS (COULD BE GENERAL OR SPECIFIC). Always "visible". Use the field LABEL value for your message, because the default value becomes "permanent" once it gets its first message. Also, there MUST be a value / default value in the field to enable accessing the field label value. {I want to Achievement Message:313.2}: {I want to stop bucket:283:label} {about:198} (fast change) To change how I feel fast, I am putting a check mark next to the following choices I'm making: I choose to see little or no value in "" I choose to see lots of positive value in "" Next, I choose to see no value in and REJECT the following ways of thinking that contribute to "", which I am putting a check mark beside: Next, I choose to see lots of value in and ACCEPT the following ways of thinking that contribute to "", which I am putting a check mark beside: Finally, after making these choices:I already notice an immediate improvement in how I feel! That was fast!I know without a doubt that I can stop "" and start "" (and I already look forward to it happening)I am open to the possibility that I can change how I feel, and I hope to do so soonOther Congratulations! Stopping: "{Achievement Stop:127:label}" Starting: "{Achievement Start:129:label}" Enjoy the immediate benefits of this change FYI, there is currently no option to save a fast change. But you can click the "Previous" button below and go do another fast change if you'd like. 🙂 {I want to stop bucket:283:label} {About or related to this:198} Great! This change in how you feel looks like this: Stop: "{:127:label}" Start: "{:129:label}" If this looks good, continue on to go through a step-by-step system that will make it much easier for you to do this.Great! This change in how you'll think looks like this: Stop: "{:127:label}" Start: "{:129:label}" If this looks good, continue on to go through a step-by-step system that will make it much easier for you to do this. I want to stop: "" and start: "" I want to achieve: "" {get:in-order-to}I want to change how I feelI want to stop:And instead, I want to start: I want to stop: "{Stop:66}{StopFeeling:127:label}"Why I want to stop this for myself, even if no one else wants me to stop it: I want to start: "{Start:67}{Start Feeling:129:label}"Why I want to start this for myself, even if no one else wants me to start it: {Stop This:66}{Achievement Stop:127:label}Click here to show ways of thinking that make you feel this way. {:296:label} {:297:label} {:298:label} Rewrite these ways of thinking in your own words down below or identify other ones that contribute to "{StopThis:127:label}". {Stop This:66}{Achievement Stop:127:label}Consider the negative effects of each thought that contributes to this. Overall effect of these thoughts: {Stop This:66}{Achievement Stop:127:label}Challenge each thought that contributes to this. Overall conclusion after challenging these thoughts: {Stop This:66}{Achievement Stop:127:label} Thoughts that create this: {Thought 1:68} {Thought 2:69} {Thought 3:70} Overall Effect {Overall Effect:71} Overall Conclusion {Overall Conclusion:72}Now that I understand the thoughts that create "", the effects they have on my life, and I've also challenged these thoughts, I choose to: Immediately eliminate / replace "" by immediately eliminating / replacing the thoughts that create it Other {Start This:67}{Start Feeling or Achievement:129:label} Click here to show previous ways of thinking that you want to replace. {Thought 1:68} {Thought 2:69} {Thought 3:70} Click here to show new ways of thinking that help you start '{Start Feeling or Achievement:129:label}'. {:299:label} {:300:label} {:301:label} Rewrite these ways of thinking in your own words down below or identify other ones that contribute to "{StartThis:129:label}". {Start This:67}{Start Feeling or Achievement:129:label} Overall effect of these thoughts: {Start This:67}{Start Feeling or Achievement:129:label} Overall conclusion after considering these thoughts: {Start This:67}{Start Feeling or Achievement:129:label} Thoughts that create this: {Thought 1:73} {Thought 2:74} {Thought 3:75} Overall Effect {Overall Effect:76} Overall Conclusion {Overall Conclusion:77}Now that I understand the thoughts that create "", the effects they have on my life, and I also understand why these thoughts make sense, I choose to: Immediately start "" by immediately thinking the thoughts that create this Other Congratulations! Stopping: {Stop This:66}{Achievement Stop:127:label} Starting: {Start This:67}{Achievement Start:129:label} Enjoy the immediate benefits of this change Final stop collection before saving (hidden):Final start collection before saving: (hidden)